When you are promoting your brand, why not showcase your name on your phone as much as possible. When you set up a CNAM with Ytel we database that name and showcase that name as much as possible for outbound calls.
What is CNAM?
CNAM, Also known as CallerID Name is the identifier that displays for a number when a customer receives a phone call. This name is used to showcase your brand and help a customer identify who the caller is. CNAM is the database that registers Caller ID tags for outbound calls. For example, let’s say your Ytel number is 555-555-5555, but you want your Caller ID to say “Mollys Bike Repair”, you would register for that number with Ytel, and future outbound calls would have your business name instead of just a phone number.
Adding a CNAM to your account
Ytel can review and approve CNAMs for you to use with your phone number and number sets. Navigate to Settings - CNAM Management and click on "Request New CNAM". There you will enter in the name you would like to request to be added to your phone numbers. A CNAM can use both letter and number characters, but must start with a letter. Maximum length is 15 characters. Spaces are allowed in CNAMs. We also recommend using different names for different departments such as "Ytel", "Ytel Sales", "Ytel Support".
It takes up to 3 business days for Ytel to approve CNAM. Ytel is only able to approve CNAM requests that are your registered DBAs or legal entity names. After approval, the Ytel User will need to apply CNAM to a specific number set.
Applying an approved CNAM to numbers and number sets
When you have a CNAM approved by Ytel, you can apply that to existing numbers in your account or new numbers you purchase.
For new numbers, you will see a drop-down with the ability to select an approved CNAM when you go to purchase phone numbers.
For existing phone numbers you will navigate to Numbers - Number Sets and click on the number set you wish to update.
Ytel sends regular updates to the central CNAM database used by major carriers every 30 minutes.
Once you have your CNAM approved you will want to apply it to your Ytel phone number. To do that you have two methods.
For customers who have all of their phone numbers in a number set you can apply a CNAM to that numbers set. Once the number set has a CNAM any new phone numbers added to the number set will have the CNAM added.
For customers who have phone numbers in numbers sets or outside of numbers sets you can also set the CNAM on an individual phone number. Navigate to your number set and toggle over to the CNAM setting. Select an approved CNAM name from the drop down and Ytel will take it from there. That number will be sent off to a number of business on the network to add that phone number and CNAM to their database for consumers to use.
You can add the CNAM is the Manage Numbers section of your account. Simply select the checkbox to the left of the phone number and click the button on the top to add CNAM. Select the approved CNAM name from the dropdown and Ytel will take it from there. That number will be sent off to a number of business on the network to add that phone number and CNAM to their database for consumers to use.
*Please note the following in regards to the success of CNAM
Your caller ID may appear one way on one network, completely different on another, and/or not at all. While consumers notice little difference, businesses can experience a wide range of results while testing due to this carrier fragmentation. The CNAM supports showcasing your brand, but is not guaranteed to show on all available devices and carriers.
It can take 30 days for the carriers to update internal systems to look for new CNAM data submitted by Ytel.
When/if the carriers display CNAM, it may overwrite previous words such as SPAM-Likely or Telemarketing if accompanied with a STIR/SHAKEN validated phone call + registration with TNS, Call Transparency, and HIYA.
When CNAM was first introduced, Mobile Network Operators would charge consumers for the service. Be aware some of your customers may be on old cell phone plans that need this feature turned on to see Caller Names.
It is common for older phones, including phones with older operating systems, not to support CNAM.
Most pre-paid phones/plans services do not support CNAM.