Contacts are where you store the information for people you communicate with. All of your contacts can be accessed from within the contacts page.
All of the contacts you create will show up within this page as they won't be organized in any sort of "list" or associated with any specific "workflow". Instead, you can create custom attributes - which we will talk about later - in order to help help "group" your contacts.
In this article we will be focusing on adding/uploading contacts directly through the UI, as using API calls will be out of scope for this article, but if you would like to know more information about using our API calls, then at the bottom of this article, we have an advanced section which will go into a little bit more details on how to add contacts using our API's.
Creating a single Contact Directly through the UI
Creating an individual contact is great when you need to quickly add a contact to your list or if you would like to add your personal information - for testing.
Once you are logged into your account...
Navigate to the "Contacts" "Contacts" section.
Click on the "Create contact" button located at the top right side of the page.
Enter in the Contacts Phone number in e.164 format (include country code).
Click on "Validate Number".
Enter in any additional information such as name, address or any other custom attributes you might have created.
Click on "Create contact".
You will now see your new contact within the Contacts page.
With a newly created contact, you can now enroll them into your workflow's or click on the contacts phone number in order to add/remove additional information for the contact.

Let's talk attributes
Attributes allow you to add custom fields to your contacts and it is highly likely your going to want to create custom attributes. These attributes can be manually created through the user interface or they can be created within a workflow using the "Edit" node or they can automatically be created based on the column headers of the CSV file you are uploading when adding contacts.
Let's talk saved filters
Saved filters allow you to use the custom attributes added your contacts to create views of your contact data. These saved filters are manually created through the user interface and allow you to select your customers for next step actions, like enrollment into a workflow.

Using our API's to create contacts can help you automate the task of adding new contacts to your system.