Ytel has an Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) where you can set up a series of menus, audio replies and actions responses. Setting up the IVR can be as simple or complex as you need it to be.
- Log in to your Ytel system at
- Navigate to Workflows on the side menu
- Select IVR on thew sub menu
When you create an IVR from this section you set up an IVR to be played on a phone number or phone number set on every inbound call. To add additional logic like time of day or contact rules check out the advanced section at the bottom of this article.
- From the IVR menu page select IVR Configuration
You have two options with your IVR for your messages that are played. You can either select audio and place in an audio file url or you can select a pay message option and select a Google Premium voice option to read your text.
- Fill out the Name of your IVR. This is the name that will be used to create the inbound routing workflow for you. This workflow is where you will modify your time of day or contact rules later on if you don't want to use the send all calls rule that is automatically created for you in this process.
- Select your Action Type of Say or Pay
- Add your audio file or message text to the Message field. The Message is a required message that will play before the menu message. Inbound callers will not be able to select a DTMF until after this message as played.
- Fill out the description if you need to. This is here just for you to remember what your goal is with this IVR menu or set of menus.
- Select your timeout (in seconds) that you want to happen between playing the message and repeating the message to customers if they do not take action. Select the Max attempts you want the menu to take on replaying the message.
- Select either a number or number set that you want assigned to your IVR. Then select that number or number set from the drop down selection.
Next you are going to want to set up your IVR Menu.
- Add a name to your menu.
- Choose a Play or Say action that will happen when announcing the DTMF of 1. Add your message or add in your audio file.
- Add your first action when someone pressed a DTMF of 1. The first action in this case it is a Say, announcing that you are being directed to the sales team. You can layer in other actions as well. For example we are triggering a workflow that sends an SMS message as well as dialing and transferring from the IVR menu to a number - 555-555-5555.
- You will continue to repeat the menu pattern for any number to DMTF digits you need. This can be used as a press 1,2,3,4 or can be more complex like a DTMF for an extension for 5123.
- Actions options are: Say, Play, Hang-up, Dial and Workflow.
To learn more about creating a workflow, you can go to this article.
To learn more about inbound routing rules for time of day, you can go to this article.