Making an outbound call can happen a few different ways: Dial the number directly, select from an address book, or by returning a recent call.
Dial the Number

In the area labeled "Make a call", input the telephone number (or internal extension) of the person you wish to call, and press Enter.

Select from an Address Book (Phonebook)
To access the Phonebook, click the icon in the navigation pane.

Select from Favorites, Personals, or Internal phonebooks.

Find the entry you wish to contact and select the appropriate communication method. Features vary per subscription type.
Pro Tip: Click the ⭐ to add to your favorites!

Select from Recents
Clicking the Ytel icon will return you to your dashboard.

Recents are displayed in 2 areas. Entries which do not exist in your address book will be indicated by #.

Find the entry you wish to contact and select the appropriate communication method. Features vary per subscription type.