This article will discuss how to purchase and manage phone numbers between your Ytel portal and Ytel Contact Center.
The following steps will walk you through purchasing, releasing and swapping number(s) assigned to your account and also walks you through how to configure the number(s) for use.
Purchasing Numbers
Before purchasing new numbers, you will want to ensure that you have sufficient funds in the account, a valid card on file, and auto-recharge settings enabled for a card on file. If you need help with adding a card or funds to the account, please click here.
Click Numbers Purchase
Make the appropriate selections on the drop-down menus (in our example, we will be searching for Arizona numbers) and click Search.
A listing of available numbers will display on the screen. By default, all numbers are voice enabled.
*Note: due to recent changes in the carrier ecosystem, requesting SMS enabled numbers can be done here
Make your selection(s) and click Purchase.
You will then be taken to a confirmation screen. Please note, you will not need to select a number set and then verify the total shown corresponds to the order you placed and then click "Confirm".
Once the purchase is completed, the screen will refresh and you will find the phone number(s) under Numbers Manage.
If you wish to utilize these phone numbers for Contact Center, First make sure that the Number Set has "Contact Center" selected you can check by going to Numbers Mange locate the said number and then locate the "Number set name".
Then from here navigate to your Contact Center system and click on "Numbers > Manage" and then click the "Sync" button. This will sync any phone numbers purchased in the Ytel Portal to your Contact Center system.
Swapping Numbers
Swapping numbers allows for a 1:1 exchange of numbers. For example, if you choose to swap a number in the 702 area code, the system will replace it with another 702 area code automatically (if available). Swapping phone numbers is recommended instead of releasing and purchasing new ones. This is because a swap will utilize the settings of the previous number that was just swapped, purchasing new numbers will require you to configure from scratch.
Please exercise caution when swapping numbers and contact Customer Support for assistance if needed.
To start this, navigate over to "Numbers > Manage" and select the number(s) you wish to swap. Once selected, you some additional button options will appear, click the "Swap" button.
A confirmation page will display. Review this information carefully - a number swap cannot be reversed. Once you are ready to proceed, click the Swap button.
Releasing Numbers
Releasing a number removes it from your account entirely. Once a number is removed, you are not able to recover the number back to your account. Please exercise caution prior to releasing a number.
To release a number navigate to "Numbers > Manage". Select the numbers you wish to release, and then click the release button that appears.
A confirmation page will display. Review this information carefully - a number release cannot be reversed. Once you are ready to proceed, click the Release button.
The number has successfully been removed from your account.
Managing Numbers in Contact Center
Within the Contact Center administrative page, select Numbers > Manage and then select the numbers you want to manage, then click settings.
The Campaign tab allows you to manage the use of this number as part of a Caller ID set. If you do not want this number used as a caller ID, choose the DID Route tab.
The DID Route tab will give you drop downs to select where you want to call to terminate. Make your selections as appropriate for your needs.
Important things to keep in mind:
Ensure you have adequate funds in your account before purchasing phone numbers. Keep a card on file to quickly add funds, we also recommend setting up "auto-recharge" to fund your account when your balance runs low.
Swapping/releasing numbers is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Please exercise caution prior and contact Customer Support if you require any assistance.
When modifying numbers, test the number to confirm functionality.