Ytel Contact Center provides three ways to locate call recordings
- By campaigns and/or ingroups utilizing reporting
- By individual agents
- By searching specific leads or phone numbers
By Reporting (recommended):
You can utilize the Export Calls Report to look up the most recent calls and recordings for multiple agents, and search via campaigns, inbound queues, and agent groups. Make sure to set the "Recordings" field to "Location". Below are the steps to creating this report.
Click Reports
Click Calls
Click Export Calls Report
Select the date range you are attempting to pull (for larger date ranges we suggest running the report after-hours utilizing Reporting Jobs)
Set the "Recording Fields" field to "Location", this is the field that will populate any call recordings available for the calls on the report.
Determine the criteria that best suits your needs.
Choose the campaign(s), Inbound Group(s), List(s), Statuses and User Groups and then click Submit -
Navigate to Reports Download Report Download and you should see your most recently created report listed at the top. Click Download, which will download the file in .csv format, which can be opened with Excel or Google Sheets
*Note: Depending on the parameters you have chosen, the report may take several minutes to process. Please be patient and allow the system to finish - please do not click 'Submit' multiple times.
By Agent
The second way to locate recordings is by the agent who handled the call. Navigate to Settings > Agents > Agents, and click the "Stats" button for the agent in question
This will open the Agent Stats Report, by default it will show agent stats for the current day. If you wish to update the data parameters, do so at the top and submit (The date range for this report is limited to 60 days from today). The recordings will be located near the bottom of the page under "Recordings for this time period" (available to download in .mp3 format).
By Lead or Phone Number
The third method is using the data search to look up a recording by the phone number or lead ID. To do this navigate to the Contacts> Contact Search. Enter the phone number or lead ID and click Search.
This will then show any lead(s) with that phone number, click the blue hyperlink to access the lead record where the recordings will be found.
Please note, if duplicate leads have been uploaded into the system you may see multiple leads with the same lead information. We suggest running a duplicate check every time you upload leads.
Select the lead in question
If available, you will find recordings under "Outbound Calls for this Lead", "Inbound Call for this Lead" (will need to toggle the Show Recordings button), and "Recordings for this Lead". The Recordings for this Lead area will list all available recordings, inbound and outbound.
Things to Remember:
You may only view call recordings for the past 365 days (1 year). If you wish to access recordings for 365+ days, we recommend purchasing the extended storage plan
If you delete a list, it will delete the recordings as well, as these are tied to the lead ID